Learn to weave tapestry! This beginner bundle includes 1 tube of #12 4/12/2 Cotton Seine Twine Warp, 5 Colors of Weft Yarn (1 oz tubes of Walnut-2, Marigold-1, Tangerine-4, Sapphire-1, Ocean-2 – or choose your own colors). Note: This bundle does not include Rebecca Mezoff’s online course, which you can purchase directly from her, or here.
About Rebecca Mezoff’s Course
Introduction to Tapestry Weaving is Rebecca Mezoff’s newest online course. In it you’ll learn the most important introductory concepts to create your own artistic tapestries on small, simple looms. Rebecca’s video-based style walks you through how to make basic forms, mix colors, and finish your first tapestries. She presents four projects in the course along with options for you to vary them once you understand the concepts. The course includes information about materials, terminology, further resources, and finishing techniques.
Rebecca shares more about the course, including a materials list with a few of her favorite weaving tools (or alternatives you probably already have at home!) here.
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